
  • First u have to upgrade to 3.52m33-3 to go on 3.90m33-2
    If u r already on 3.52 or higher firmware skip to 3rd step
    Only 1.50 Users : Follow the steps below in the following order
    First read carefully..........a -

    In order for this program to be loaded properly, format your psp memory stick from the format memory stick option which you can find in the system settings (find in in your psp menu.) Before doing it, copy your pictusres, music files etc... to your PC because after formatting they will be all deleted.b -

  • After formatting, PSP will create the necessary files in your Memory stick automatically. c - If you have changed your theme settings or the other plug-ins, return to the default settings!Via the USB cable, connect your PC to your PSP. Create a new folder called ISO, in the memory sticks first page (main menu), if there isn’t one. That’s because, you will copy your game’s ISO and CSO files into that ISO folder. Inside your PSP folder create a new folder called GAME150 (PSP/GAME150), if there isn’t one.Your PSP battery should be at least 75% full before you start the processhttp://mihd.net/glxotc (Password : hako)Download the 3.52 M33 file above and extract it on your PC1 - Via the USB cable, connect your PC to your PSP.2 –You will find two folders inside the rar file that you’ve downloaded which are named 1.50only and M33CREATOR. Copy the kxploitpatcher and kxploitpatcher% files, which are in the 1.50only folder, to your PSP/GAME folder in your memory stick. And from your game tab, run the KXploit Permanent patcher. It will request you to press X, press it, and the PSP will return to the main menu, wait.3

    –Again connect with the USB, and copy the whole M33CREATOR folder in the GAME folder which is under the PSP folder in your PSP memory stick (PSP/GAME)4 – Run the "3.52 M33 CREATOR" from the game tab. The process will start, and it will want you the press X again. Press X, and wait until it returns to the main menu.5 – This time run the "3.52 M33UPDATE" again from the game tabA risk warning will pop-up. If you accept the risk press X. If you don’t accept it press R. If you will contunie the process and press X, don’t do anything till the process ends. Once the process ends, it will want you to press X again. Press it, and your PSP will shut down. After you’ve restarted your PSP it will be 3.52 M33.Then you can erase "3.52 M33 CREATOR" and "3.52 M33UPDATE" files, and the "KXploit Permanent Patcher" , they won’t be any longer necessary.
  • http://mihd.net/l2s7kh (Password : hako)Copy the whole M33Update3 folder that you’ve extracted from the rar file above to the Memory Stick PSP/GAME150 folder, and run it from the game tab. It will want you to press X, press it. It will return to the main menu. Then you can erase this folder from your PSP, it won’t be any longer necessary.

  • For SE/OE Users

  • First read carefully..........a –
  • In order for this program to be loaded properly, format your psp memory stick from the format memory stick option which you can find in the system settings (find it in your psp menu.) Before doing it, copy your pictures, music files etc... to your PC because after formatting they will be all deleted.b –After formatting, PSP will create the necessary files in your Memory stick automatically. c –If you have changed your theme settings or the other plug-ins, return to the default settings!Via the USB cable connect your PSP to your PC. Create a new folder called ISO in the memory stick’s first page (main menu), if there isn’t one. That’s because, you will copy your game’s ISO and CSO files into that ISO folder. Inside your PSP folder create a new folder called GAME150 (PSP/GAME150), if there isn’t one. Your PSP battery should be at least 75% full before you start the processhttp://mihd.net/glxotc (Password : hako)Download the 3.52 M33 file above and extract it on your PC1 –Via the USB cable, connect your PC to your PSP. 2 –There will be a folder called M33CREATOR in the rar file that you’ve downloaded which is named 3.52M33. Copy this M33CREATOR folder to the GAME150 folder which is under the PSP folder, on your PSP memory stick. The other files present on the rar file that you’ve downloaded will not be necessary for this process, you won’t use them, they are for 1.50 users. 3 – Run the "3.52 M33 CREATOR" on the game tab and start the process. The system will return to the main menu, wait. 4 – This time run the "3.52 M33UPDATE" again from the game t
    ab. A risk warning will pop-up on your screen, and if you accept the risk press X, and don’t do anything untill this process ends. After it’s done it will ask you to press X again and your PSP will shut down. Once you’ve restart your PSP, it will be 3.52 M33. Then you can erase the "3.52 M33 CREATOR" and "3.52 M33UPDATE" folders, they won’t be any longer necessary
  • http://mihd.net/l2s7kh (Password : hako)Copy the whole M33Update3 folder that you’ve extracted from the rar file above to the Memory Stick PSP/GAME150 folder, and run it from the game tab. It will want you to press X, press it. It will return to the main menu. Then you can erase this folder from your PSP, it won’t be any longer necessary.

  • Custom Firmware 3.90 M33 has been released http://mihd.net/ljkqcyRequeriments:- Installation requires a PSP with 3.52 M33-3 or higher [fat PSP], or 3.60 m33 or higher [Slim PSP] Others and Offical sony firmwares shouldn't try it.- Battery 78% loaded, - Kernel acces on 3.XX- Copy the UPDATE folder into /PSP/GAME/- Run it, the update will be done by Sony updater. At the end when you are asked to reboot the PSP pressing X or O, do it.Do not skip this step shutting down the psp by yourself, or you'll end with a brick.- If you have a Japan PSP, ysou have to fake your region to EU or US in recovery- Skype for Slim PSP- GoMessenger not working waiting update Coming soon

  • Custom Firmware 3.90 M33-2 UPDATE http://mihd.net/sf5gr0 (password : hako)- Copy UPDATE folder to /PSP/GAME and run the program.
  • Custom Firmware 3.90 M33 1.50 Kernel Mod Only for Fat PSP (PSP slims shouldn't try it.)http://mihd.net/n42mdj- Copy the 150k_addon folder into /PSP/GAME150/- Copy the 150.PBP file into Main Menu- Run it